Hackports Mac Download
The MacPorts Project Official Homepage. The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system.To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to. How to Use The Mac OS X Hackers Toolbox When you think of an operating system to run pen testing tools on, you probably think of Linux and more specifically BackTrack Linux. Windows 10 enterprise 2019. BackTrack Linux is a great option and one of the most common platforms for running pen testing tools. If you are a Mac. Hp cc459a drivers download free. The easiest way to install MacPorts on a Mac is by downloading the pkg or dmg for Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, Snow Leopard, Leopard or Tiger and running the system's Installer by double-clicking on the pkg contained therein, following the on-screen instructions until completion.

工具列表 :

- 0trace
- 3proxy
- Air – Automated Image Installer
- Android APK Tool
- Android SDK Framework
- Apache Users
- Autospy
- Bed
- Beef
- Binwalk
- Btdsd
- CHKRootKit
- Casefile – Maltego
- Cewl
- Cisc0wn
- Cisco Scanner (ciscos)
- Cisco Torch
- Cisco global exploiter
- Credump
- Creepy
- Crunch
- Cupp
- CutyCapt
- DBD (Durandal’s Backdoor)
- DDSquat
- DD_Rescue
- DHCPig
- DNSChef
- DNmap
- DPScan
- DarkStat
- DavTest
- DeD
- DerogDom
- DirBuster
- Dozer (Formally Mercury)
- Droidbox
- Encryption Wizard
- EvilGrade
- ExifTool
- Exiting the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)
- ExploitDB
- FTester
- Fast-Track
- Flasm
- GoldenEye
- Golismero
- Grabber
- Grendle Scan
- HashTag
- Hashcat-utils
- Hexinject
- IAXFlood
- IDAPro-Free
- Intersect
- Inundator
- JBoss-Autopwn
- JD – Java Decompiler
- JavaLOIC.jar
- John
- Johnny
- Joomscan
- Kautilya
- Killerbee
- Kismac2
- Laudanum
- Libhijack
- Linux Exploit Suggester
- Lynis
- MagicTree
- MaskGen
- Metagoofil
- Mork.pl
- Multimac
- Netdiscover
- Netifera
- Nikto
- OWASP Mantra
- OllyDbg – Debugger
- OpenVas
- OphCrack
- Padbuster
- Passdb
- Patator
- Patator
- PdfBook
- PeachFuzz
- Phrasen Drescher
- Powerfuzzer
- Pyrit
- RSMangler
- Rebind
- Rec-Studio
- ReverseRaider
- SCTPScan
- SMBExec
- SNMPCheck
- SPAMHole
- SSLCaudit
- SSLSniff
- SSLStrip
- SUCrack
- Samdump
- Sipcrack
- Skipfish
- Smali
- Smartphone-Pentest-Framework
- StatProcessor
- TCPReplay
- TestDisk
- TestSSL
- ToolName
- Truecrack
- UAtester
- Unicornscan
- Uniscan
- Vega
- Vinetto
- Volatility
- W3af
- WCE – Windows Credential Editor
- WPScan
- Waffit
- Wapiti
- Web Backdoor Compilation (wbc)
- Webscrab – OWASP
- Webshag
- Webslayer
- Whatweb
- XSpy
- acccheck
- adsnmp
- aircrack-ng
- artemisa
- asp-audit.pl ASP Auditor
- automater
- bbqsql
- bluediving
- bluelog
- bluemaho
- bluepot
- blueranger
- bt-attacks
- burpsuite
- c07-sip-r2.jar
- cdpsnarf
- cisco-auditing-tool
- cmospwd
- cms-explorer
- copy-router-config
- cymothoa
- darkMySQLi
- dbpwaudit
- deBlaze
- dedected
- dex2jar
- dirb
- dns2tcpc
- dnsenum
- dotdotpwn
- easy-creds
- enumIAX
- evtparse.pl Parse Event log (Win2000, XP, 2003)
- fierce
- fimap
- findmyhash.py
- getsids

- giskismet
- goofile
- goohost
- gooscan
- hack library
- hash_id.py – Hash Identifer
- hashcat
- hexorbase
- htexploit
- httprint
- httsquash
- iWar
- impacket-examples
- intercepter-ng
- iodine
- iphoneanalyzer
- ipv6toolset
- jigsaw
- keimpx.py
- lanmap2
- lbd – load balancing detector
- letdown
- make-pdf-javascript.py
- manglefizz
- mdb-export
- merge-router-config
- miranda
- mitmproxy
- mopest-2.pl
- netgear-telnetenable
- nimbostratus
- oat (Oracle Auditing Tool)
- ocs (OCS Cisco Scanner)
- oscanner
- packetstorm
- pdf-parser
- pdfid.py
- pdgmail
- peePDF
- phrasenoia
- pipal
- plecost
- pompem
- powersploit
- pref – Parse contents of XP/Vista Prefetch files/directory
- proxystrike
- ptunnel
- pwnat
- pytbull
- rcracki_mt
- redfang – the bluetooth hunter
- revealertoolkit
- rtpflood
- rtpinject
- rtpinsertsound
- rtpmixsound
- samdump2
- sapyto – SAP Penetration Testing Framework
- sidguesser
- sipp
- sipscan
- sipvicious
- spooftooph
- sqlbrute
- sqldict
- sqlmap
- sqlninja
- sqlscan
- sqlsus
- sslyze
- swaks – Swiss Army Knife for SMTP
- tftp brute force
- thcsslcheck
- theHarvester
- thebackdoorfactory
- tnscmdlOg
- trixd00r
- u3-pwn
- udp.pl – UDP Flood
- udptunnel
- unix-priv-check
- untidy – XML Fuzzer
- voiphoney
- volafox
- warvox
- websecurify
- websploit
- weevely
- wfuzz
- xsser
- yersinia
- zaproxy – OWAS Zap
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